Contact Bart Dingenen, PT, PhD

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    Bart Dingenen, PT, PhD

    Sport physical therapist. Doctor in physical therapy & rehabilitation sciences. Passionate to get my patients and myself better everyday.
    14 years
    avg. ACL rehabilitations yearly
    Motion to Balance (Genk, Belgium)
    ACL Professionals / Physical Therapist / Bart Dingenen, PT, PhD
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    About Bart Dingenen, PT, PhD

    It has always been my desire to keep individuals physically active across their lifespan and help people achieving their individual goals. Throughout the years, I developed a special interest and expertise in prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal lower extremity injuries, with a special focus on ACL injuries.

    My passion for physical therapy has brought me into the combination of clinical practice and research. In 2015, I finished my PhD, which was focused on postural control in relation to ACL injuries and chronic ankle instability. My postdoctoral research activities at KU Leuven and Hasselt University (Belgium) were focused on the optimization of assessment and rehabilitation of ACL injuries and running-related injuries.

    I have published numerous papers (including a lot of ACL work) in international peer-reviewed journals, and have frequently presented at national and international conferences, symposia, workshops and podcasts to translate research to practice. I am teaching all over the world on ACL injuries. In 2020, I created to most comprehensive online course on ACL injuries in collaboration with Physiotutors. Physical therapists from all over the world can learn how to optimize ACL rehabilitation.

    Clinically, I am working in a big clinical practice in Genk (Belgium) where we have all facilities needed to perform ACL rehab at the highest level. Next to my special focus on ACL injuries, I am mainly consulted in function of lower extremity rehabilitation, injury prevention and performance enhancement.

    The unique combination of my research work with my clinical and teaching experience significantly contributed to my highly-valued national and international reputation and my ability to develop novel, original and clinically-relevant ideas with vital impact in my field.

    For me nothing is good enough. Everyday I not only want my patients to get better, but I am also very critical to myself in order to improve myself.
    “Never stop improving!”


    • 2013-2021 - All publications can be found on ResearchGate: