Contact Larry Frank Jr, PT, DPT, CSCS

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    Larry Frank Jr, PT, DPT, CSCS

    Founder/Owner of Fuel Sports Physical Therapy. We help athletes return to their sport stronger and more confident than ever.
    6 years
    avg. ACL rehabilitations yearly
    Fuel Sports Physical Therapy
    ACL Professionals / Physical Therapist / Larry Frank Jr, PT, DPT, CSCS
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    About Larry Frank Jr, PT, DPT, CSCS

    Larry is the founder and owner of Fuel Sports Physical Therapy. Disappointed with the level of care he saw athletes receiving in "traditional" physical therapy, he knew there was a better way.

    In conjunction with TNT, we created the TNT Fuel Sports Physical Therapy program. We utilize fully integrated physical therapy and performance training, providing full spectrum care to help athletes return to their sport stronger, confident, and ready to compete.

    Recovering from an ACL injury and reconstruction surgery is one of the most challenging rehab experiences an athlete can face. With the recovery journey lasting 9-12+ months, it can take a significant physical and emotional toll on any athlete. Unfortunately it is far too common for athletes to return to their sport underprepared and unable to achieve their prior level of performance.

    Every athlete deserves to know the truth:
    -Traditional physical therapy often falls short when it comes to tailoring a comprehensive ACL rehab and training plan that is athlete specific.
    -Generalist physical therapy often does not understand the physical and mental demands placed on an athlete playing at the highest levels (“jack of all trades, master of none” principle).
    -Most clinics do not have the appropriate resources, space, and equipment to get athletes back to play at their pre-injury level.
    -Simply “checking” the PT box is not enough… if it was, we would not see so many athletes unable to return to their prior level of performance after an ACL injury.

    Improper rehab leaves athletes more susceptible to reinjury. Athletes are too commonly “cleared” from physical therapy before they are truly ready to return to play. Athletes that are not appropriately supported may not be able to regain the confidence and capacity to get back to the sports they love - having their athletic career cut unnecessarily short.

    Your ACL rehab journey does not have to be filled with anxiety and uncertainty, wondering if you are doing the right things to achieve success. In fact, it can be an opportunity to prioritize your health and become a stronger athlete.

    That’s why we created the TNT Fuel Sports Physical Therapy Program, utilizing the professional sports medicine model of fully integrated rehab and performance training, because we believe no athlete should walk away from the sport they love before they find out exactly how far they could go.